Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Kay Raziano (Carlson)

>>Where the heck are you now?

Lakewood, CA (Los Angeles Area)

>>Are you married? Single?

Married for 18 years

>>What have you been up to all these years?

Well let’s see, moved several times… From Monmouth to St. Louis, to Springfield (where I met my husband—he played minor league baseball for the Cardinals & I’ve always been a Cardinal fan!!), to New Orleans (that’s where both my daughters were born—now 12 & 15), back to Monmouth and now Los Angeles… I’m super tired of Moving and I actually miss Monmouth, if you can believe that!

>>What on earth do you do for a living?

I worked in retail management for about 14 years but the last 10 years have been in Real Estate. I had my R.E. license when I was in New Orleans, but after moving from there, decided I didn’t want to sell, but liked the business, so have worked at a title company, as a transaction coordinator, and now am a R.E. assistant for a top agent in Long Beach. Tuff business right now, but I love it!

>>Last time you were in Monmouth?

October ‘08’ for my Mom’s 80th birthday… I wish I could have seen more people!

>>How do you explain "Zippers" to people?

Of course being a cheerleader I just have to recite the cheer… “you can’t get our zippers down…” everyone either looks at me like I’m crazy or laughs!

>>Favorite motion picture of all time?

Don’t think I have an all time favorite, but one I love is Grease

>>You've come this far.. how bout an email address for folks to keep in contact with ya?

kraziano@verizon.net Would love to hear from anyone… I’m lonely here in California!

>>Finally, any current/old photos to share?

I’ll send some later!

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